
President's Message

President's Message

Author: Alcide Guzman/Friday, October 1, 2021/Categories: News, Update Newsletters, President's Message

NESPA has done a great job of keeping us connected over the last 18 months. Still, I have to say there was nothing better than being able to be back together in person last week at our annual Congress of Committees.

Over 50 volunteers from all across our region came to NESPA's headquarters to meet and reconnect with one another.  Even with how busy we have all been, it was exciting to see so many volunteers make the time to get involved and share their points of view.

The discussions we had will shape NESPA and the industry in the coming year and for many after.  At the Congress, we broke out into our Super Committees representing our key focus areas – Education, Membership, Programs & Services, and Government Relations.  Because we've had limited opportunities to meet in-person, each committee met together for a day and a half to evaluate where we've been, where we are, and where we'd like to go.

As president, I had the chance to move to each committee and watch them work.  The enthusiasm and the creativity that everyone brought to their work was impressive. I'm excited to see how each project unfolds over the next year.  Some of the areas the committees are working on include

  • building a professional growth pathway for employees at all levels of our industry
  • expanding our communications and connections with members
  • strengthening our presence with elected officials and decision-makers throughout the region
  • growing our connections with non-members in order bring them into our community

As you might expect, we tackled a lot of work, but we also had a lot of fun together.  I really enjoyed the chance to see new volunteers step up and get involved.  We had volunteers who attended all nineteen of the Congress of Committees meetings and volunteers who were first-time attendees.  This mix of new perspectives and experience allows NESPA to continue to deliver for our industry time and time again.

Anyone who was not able to attend can still get involved as a volunteer.  There are a variety of opportunities available based on what your interests might be.  Reach out to the NESPA staff or me, and we can get you set up.

And don't forget our next chance to get together in person will be at the 2022 Pool & Spa Show in Atlantic City in January.  Our industry is better when we are together and having everyone together at the Show is something you don't want to miss. 

Chas Bogardus CPO, CSP, CBP
General Manager of Service
Budd’s Pools and Spas




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